Writing Links & Links for Writers
Reference & Research

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See also links in the Non-fiction/ Journalism section
See also links in the History Reference & Research

Unsorted [/writers]
A Research Guide for Students (and others) - links, style guides, how-to footnote, bibliography
National Archives - Online Public Access
Don Blaheta - Representation of IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) with ASCII
Oanda - Currency Site
Oanda - Historical Foreign Exchange Rates
X-Rates - Currency Calculator, including Historic Lookup
How Much Is That Worth? - compares the value of $$$ from a past year with current value or with another past year
USPTO - Partial List of Trademarks - see Appendix I
United States Patent and Trademark Office including "search for trademarks" and "search for patents"
Use of Trademark Names in Fiction
Library of Congress - Gateway to Library Catalogs (LOC and others)
Library of Congress - Authority Files
Library of Congress - Catalog search
Open University (UK) - Information Skills for Researchers
Marylaine Block - Librarian Without Walls
Robert Harris - Virtual Salt - Evaluating Internet Research Sources

Tools [/writers]
Babel Fish - translation tool - Download one-click quick reference tool (and more!)
CleverKeys - one click to
Google - Translation tool
TinyURL - make a looooooong URL tiny! and avoid line break and re-splicing problems
SnipURL snip a looooooong URL!
Visual Thesaurus - interactive dictionary and thesaurus th. creates word maps
WordWeb - free tool: thesaurus and dictionary for Windows

Search Engines [/writers]
Google Groups (News) - Removing old Usenet posts
Google Groups (News) - "How to x-no-archive"
NoodleTools - Choose the Best Search for Your Information Need

Bing - fr Microsoft
DuckDuckGo - Search anonymously. Find instantly.
Googja - Google's Advanced Usenet Search
Google - Advanced Web Search
Google News - search and browse thousands of continuously updated news sources. EXCELLENT!
HighBeam - fee-based. online access available free if a card-carrying patron of some public libraries
The Internet Archives Moving Images, Live Music, Audio, Texts, Wayback Machine (Web archive) and more! - metasearch engine
WebFerret (download). Fast. Free.
Yahoo! search
Google Book (and magazine) Search - official government gateways (state and Federal)

blinkx - interesting & entertaining collection of informative videos.
Google Videos
Internet Archive Moving Images
TED: Ideas worth spreading
Yahoo! Video

Google Image Search - including LIFE magazine archive
Picsearch - "always on" filtering
Yahoo! Images Search

Flickr - Web2.0 community of photographers. Zillions of photographs.
Mark Harden - Art Archive - fine art scans, reviews, theory, links - 7500+ artists - 32K links - 13K artists - 36K works - Grove Dictionary of Art
Corbis Archives - includes the Bettmann Archive
Index of Artists and Architects >21K images
Life Magazine photo archives
New Yorker Cartoon collection
New Yorker magazine covers
Time Magazine Covers - 1923-current
Carol Gerten - Fine Art-- CGFA: A Virtual Art Museum

PURCHASE ART/PRINTS - posters, photos, fine art - "hundreds of thousands of" posters & prints

Experts [/writers] - Yearbook of Experts Online
Journalist's Toolbox - Links to Expert Sources
Ask A Librarian - virtual reference shelf
Newswise - Contact Directory - experts and mouthpieces
Help A Reporter. "over 200,000 mainstreet and expert sources responding directly to your query on your terms."
ProfNet - where sources and journalists meet - Ask The Experts
Scientific American - Ask The Experts - archives
SDSU - faculty and staff ready to talk to the media
SLA News Division - Sources and Experts

News Links [/writers]
Google News - search and browse 4,000 continuously updated news sources
Aljazeera America
AP News Wire
Newslink - site for media news junkies
Poynter - MediaWire
PR Newswire - "authoritative source of news and information for leading global media organizations" - "Delivers breaking news from all over the world in 50 languages"
Newseum - Today's Front Pages - front pages worldwide
San Jose Mercury News
San Francisco Chronicle
New York Times - need to register - the newsroom home page for true news junkies
Sal Towse - Links to Print Media
RefDesk - First Things First - news/comics/columns links - "thousands of the best U.S. and international news resources on the Web"
abyznewslinks - US-an newspapers - 2,400 newspapers / by state - Links to over >12K Newspapers online
American Journalism Review - AJR
SLA News Division - Newspaper archives - USAn
SLA News Division - List of all newspapers we know are or have been in Nexis, Factiva/DJ, DIALOG -- newspapers we suspect have had archives removed are highlighted in yellow AND List of newspapers with archives we think have been removed
dmoz Open Directory - Newspaper Directories
dmoz Open Directory - News Directories
dmoz Open Directory - Magazines and E-zines Directories
US Newspaper Links and more - News Links

Maps [/writers]
Bing Maps & Directions
National Atlas - interactive atlases and maps with stats
Library of Congress - American Memories - LC Map collections
Google Maps w/ streetview
MapQuest lat/long lookup
Find the Lat/Long for a location
National Geographic - MapMaker Interactive
United Nations - Cartographic Section

Online Texts [/writers] - Encyclopedias to Fannie Farmer online
bibliomania - more than 2000 Classic Texts, book notes, author biographies, book summaries, more
Charles W. Eliot, LLD - The Harvard Classics (50v) and The Shelf of Fiction (20v) (from Bartleby)
Paul Halsall - Internet History Sourcebooks Project: a collection of public domain and copy-permitted historical texts [somewhat dated]
Internet Public Library - Resources for online texts
Internet Text Archive - over 5 million items!
The Online Books Page - listing over 1 million free books on the Web
Project Gutenberg - 42K books. Over 100K titles are available at Project Gutenberg Partners, Affiliates and Resources.
Classic Reader - 3800 titles
UMich - American Verse Project - American poetry prior to 1920.
UMich - Making of America - primary texts from antebellum thru reconstruction (and later ...) approx 10K books and 50K journal articles with 19th century imprints
UMich - Humanities Text Initiative
Electronic Literature Foundation - 129 bks; 20 authors
Internet Classics Archive 441 works; 59 authors
Feeding America: an online collection of some of the most important and influential American cookbooks from the late 18th to early 20th century
Religion Web Sites - incl. concordances, dictionaries, more.

Research & Reference [/writers]
AAAS -EurekAlert - science, medicine & technology news
ALA-RUSA - Using Primary Sources on the Web
British Library - Help for Researchers
Christopher C. Brown - Virtual Reference Desk [somewhat dated]
CIA - World Fact Book
Cleveland State University - Virtual Reference Desk
Copac® - merged online catalogues of many major University, Specialist, and National Libraries in the UK and Ireland
Encyclopedia Smithsonian - A to Z
FITA - Really Useful Links for International Trade
Charlie Harris - Internet Search FAQ (2005) - reference tool with resource citations from subject specialists
Internet Scout Project - Report & Archives & Weblog
ipl2: Librarians' Internet Index & the Internet Public Library - information you can trust
ipl2 - news & information blog - available by e-mail or RSS feed
IRE Resource Center - tipsheets. - more. (Membership $70+)
IUPUI - Quick Reference Resources
IUPUI - Government Reference Resources
Journalist Express - one page/one stop for busy journalists
The Journalist's Toolbox
Libdex - Index to 18,000 Libraries
Alan Liu - Voice of the Shuttle: Web Page for Humanities Research
NUJ- London Freelance - Media Resources
Martindale's * The Reference Desk *
National Archives and Records Administration - USAn
Newswise - news releases & "expert" contacts.
NICAR (National Institute for Computer-Assisted Reporting) - Net Tour - Links to Web-based reference resources
Robert Niles - Finding Data on the Internet
David Novak - The Spire Project - better ways to find information
dmoz - Open Directory Project - human-edited Web directory
The Pollution Information site - More than 400 scientific and governmental databases - USAn
Power Reporting - Resources for Journalists. [no longer updated]
Reporter's Desktop
Resource Help
Saguee Saraf - - [flashy, colorful] - free public records directory. 55K public record databases
SLA News Division - Reference links with national focus
SLA News Division - by state
SLA News Division - Resources for News Librarians and Researchers [Last updated 2004] - Web surfing tips & links
St. Ambrose University - Hot Topics (formerly Best Information on the Net)
Stumpers-L has become Project Wombat - e-mail discussion list for difficult reference questions. Archives.
U.S. Senate - Virtual Reference Desk
Web rings
Writers Guild of America, West - Research links
The WWW Virtual Library
WWW Virtual Library - Statistics links

Assorted Information [/writers]
ASL Fingerspelling site
Cecil Adams - The Straight Dope - archives
Applied Math and Science Education Repository
Joan Bunning -Free online tarot reading course
Alistair Fraser - Bad Science
UK Public Libraries
Sarawak State Library Portal - international libraries
Internet Society - History of the Internet
Language of Flowers [warning: soundtrack]
Steven Milloy - Junk Science
Mystical WWW - Mystical Mythology and Folklore
Paul Nagai - Internet Clocks, Counters, and Countdowns including the Doomsday Clock, National Debt clock, more.
New Scientist - The Last Word - blog
The Invisible Library - books that only appear in other books [a blog by Ed Park and Levi Stahl]
US Patent & Trademark Office - Patent Grants since 1790 - full text
WebMonkey an amazing resource for Web designers
Web Monkey - HTML Color Codes Chart
Web Monkey - Special Characters

Warnings & Rumors [/writers]
F-Secure - Security Advisories
F-Secure - Hoax Warnings
McAfee - Virus Information
McAfee - Virus Hoaxes
Snopes - Urban Legends Reference Pages
Symantec - Security Response
Symantec - Virus hoax reference page

Names & Naming [/writers] - by nationality/ethnicity
USA Social Security Administration - Most Popular Names - by state, by year, by decade since 1900. - Character Naming Resources (from Ancient Egyptian Names to Sikh Names and Their Meanings)
Mike Campbell - - etymology & history for >10K names
Mark Isaak - Curiosities of Biological Nomenclature
AskOxford Collective Terms for Animals
Names of Winds

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